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Getting your baby to catch some zzz's in those first few months can be the biggest game changer for you and your little one. I hope my tips are helpful to you in those precious times. 🤍


01 . When Baby is born, don’t be concerned if they sleep a LOT! Newborns sleep up to 18-20 hours per day within the first month.

Top + Bottoms (MARLEY) 


02 . Where should you start? Begin a relaxed bedtime routine from Day 1! Babies thrive on understanding our social cues and love knowing what's to come. Open blinds/shades and keep lights on during the day. Turn down lights and decrease noise and stimulation to cue bedtime.

Knotted Gown (LEO) 


03. Babies 0-3 months often can't stay awake longer than 45-60 minutes at a time. Watch for sleep cues like yawning, rooting, or rubbing/scratching of the face to signal it's time for another nap. Don’t wait for baby to become overtired.

 Swaddle Blanket (ROSIE)


04. I loved keeping a general pattern/schedule and felt it helped put us both in a good daily routine. 

#1 Baby Wakes

#2 Baby Eats, 

#3 Baby has an awake/play period (shorter for newborns and lengthens with age)

#4 Baby goes for nap or bedtime. 

*Before bedtime add a feeding in to help them sleep through the night.

 Swaddle Blanket (BECKHAM)



05. By 8 weeks old, babies can sleep in longer stretches, possibly 4-6 hours, in between feedings (Yay for more sleep!).

Top + Bottoms (ASHER)


06. Set the stage for sleep! Babies love a cool (68-72 degrees), dark room to nap in, swaddled up, with white noise continuously running to block out unsolicited noises.

Swaddle Blanket (JUDE)  


Mama's help other moms in the comments with your tried and true methods! 👇🏼


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