Being a nurse in the newborn intensive care unit (NICU) was my dream job. If you've been there, you know it's a special place. Kind medical staff, courageous parents, and the tiniest warriors fill its halls. For any of you that have a little one in the NICU, my heart goes out to you.

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l've compiled a few tips that may be of some help during this time for you.

1.) Bring Entertainment 

Bring something fun to help entertain you during the long days at the hospital: journaling, good books, thank you cards, crossword puzzles.


2.) Journal

Journal your baby's experience and all the positives that are happening. It can be easy to focus on the hard parts, but journaling can be a good mind shift to focus on what's going well. Lot’s happens everyday in the NICU and its easy to forget so jotting down stats, labs or any memorable changes with your babies care + routine is always fun to look back on.


3.) Be an advocate.

Don't be afraid to care for your baby. Remember that you are the mom (or dad) and most important to their care in combination with the medical team. You can be a great advocate for your baby and their preferences which will make your medical team more successful at caring for your little one.


4.) Cleanliness is key! 

Shower before coming in each day and make sure you avoid wearing any strong perfumes or lotions that might overload their sensitive sense of smell.


5.) Make it personal.

Feel free to decorate your baby's bed space and surroundings to make it feel more personal during your stay. Bring a personal item, photos, swaddle blanket and clothing for your baby to add in your touch.


6.) Find Support

Find a support group, either a fellow NICU mom who you can visit with at the bedside of your baby, or someone who has been through a similar experience whom you can call for advice and support.


7.) Don't be afraid to ask questions! 

Your doctors and nurses are there to help you and your baby. Feel free to ask about your baby's care plan so that you feel confident about all of it.



Take lots of photos and videos to document and help you remember that special time with your baby. Days can get foggy and it's hard to see progress day-to-day. Photos make it easier to see how your baby is growing and progressing.


🤍 Karen (NICU Nurse & Mom of 5)

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Have you had a baby spend time in the NICU? What do you wish you would have known during your baby's stay? Share all your tips or drop any questions below!

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